Meadow Farm Community Land Trust

Meadow Farm is a 28-acre property that was established as a Community Land Trust in 2013.  We are recognized as a non-profit-501(c)3 organization for charitable benefit.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our community is a place of peace, beauty and creative life-enhancing opportunities. We live in harmony with each other, the environment, our neighbors and the wider community. We support, nourish and are grateful to all beings and our planet. Our work and play reflects love in action.

Our community recognizes the climate change emergency. We strive to ameliorate the suffering and other negative impacts of climate disasters. Our farm community allows for a diversity of people to develop and practice their talents, share their gifts and uses compassionate communication for living together safely and harmoniously. Meadow Farm provides an opportunity for enriching lives through affordable accommodations, permaculture, organic farming, education and other creative endeavors. We co-create via a dynamic and collaborative decision-making model.

Our Aims

Meadow Farm Vision and Mission seeks to create a healthy resiliency through the manifestation of these Aims as stated below:

  1. MFCLT collaborates with neighbors and community agencies to prepare for disasters and to provide relief though medical, food, clean water and shelter as possible.
  2. MFCLT supplies residents of the farm and the wider community with organic garden produce and products.
  3. MFCLT promotes carbon sequestering through cultivation of healthy soils, forests, meadow and wildlife interface on our land through conscientious environmental study and practices.
  4. MFCLT offers affordable living that more easily allows people to thrive using their skills and gifts in creating sustainable lifestyles.
  5. MFCLT promotes resident’s involvement through diverse meaningful volunteer service opportunities via its own non-profit, wider community programs and monetary donations.
  6. MFCLT provides enriching educational offerings to residents and the wider community with workshops such as: permaculture, natural building, natural energy, bicycle maintenance, trail building and navigation, healthy vegan food preparation and preservation, water conservation, NVC, yoga, meditation, homesteading skills and forestry.